
Why to choose Android Phone Over Apple Phone

From the time of its release in mid-2007, the iPhone has always been viewed as a high-end smartphone which is popular among the elite class. However, despite the initial competition between the iPhone and Android, they are both viewed as respectable smartphone platforms. IPhones have some features that are not available with Android phones and vice versa.

Below are key features that make Android Phone over the Apple phone:

Limitless Storage for Half the Price

While iPhones are expensive and always above the $600 mark, they entirely skip the storage part. With only 16GB of internal memory, you are required to take high resolution videos, iTunes movies, apps etc. and if you want to upgrade the memory, then be prepared to fork out an extra $100.

Android phones on the other hand provide a decent storage amount i.e. 32GB at least. Moreover, several Android phones like the Samsung comes with microSD card slots that allow you to upgrade your memory card inexpensively.

Screens with 2x higher resolution

Apple only recently debuted its first HD screen phone, the iPhone 6 plus. Androidon the other hand had debuted a 1080p handset about 2 years earlier than the iPhone 6 Plus debut. The highest screen resolution offered by iPhone currently is 1920 x1080 and yet some Android phones offer much more than that i.e. 2560 x 1440 screen resolutions.

Endless customization options

Apple really needs to allow more customizability and freedom. However, it is adamant on locking down the UI and allowing only a limited number of customizability options. Android on the other hand allows the freedom to customize your home screen with thousands of widgets that are available right on your home and lock screen.

Furthermore, some Android handsets manufacturing companies such as Samsung and LG enable also provide custom widgets which you can alter as per your likes and give your phone a custom look. Moreover, you can also install a custom launcher and theme on Android phones.

Variety of hardware options

Android smartphones come in a variety of shapes and sizes and with replaceable batteries. More so, ragged versions which are immune to water and rough handling are also available.

IPhones on the other hand comes in a uniform shape and a bit varying sizes (6s and 6 Plus) but require to be handled like a treasure, they can’t withstand rough handling.

A return button

The return button on the Android’s home screen ensures that you are transported back to the screen you were on previously with a single click. Interestingly, it even works when you are in the middle of an app. For example, if you are watching a YouTube video and mistakenly hit the Twitter handle, you can go back to where you were previously by simply clicking on the return button.

Apple on the other hand has the home button which does not transport you back to the screen you were working on previously, but rather to the home screen.

You can escape Apple’s dictatorship

Apple follows a strict procedure before allowing an app into the iOS store. Many times good apps and games are unnecessarily denied entry into the app store simply because they violate Apple’s terms and conditions. For example, “Phone story” a satirical game, was removed from the Apple store because according to Apple, it represented “child labor” and yet that was the entire point of the game.

Android on the other hand would never ban such apps. Moreover, you even have the freedom to install an app directly from the developer as well.

Android has several other advantages too. Where Apple continues to impose strict terms and conditions, Android allows more choice, freedom and flexibility.

Why did you choose an Android phone? What Android features amaze you the most?

Author Bio:

Sadia Suhail is a serial content marketer, who is passionate about Inbound marketing, SEO, CRO, Email marketing and Ecommerce. She is a regular writer at

Suraj Salunkhe

Suraj Salunkhe is working Professional with reputed company. As an engineer he loves technology, blogging and Penetration . He also have experience in web-design, QA and Mobile application development.

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