Write for us

Write for us Technosnoop.com always welcome new authors and writers. If you are Technogeek, Techsavvy person and want share your knowledge with the world then TechnoSnoop welcomes you as author on our site.

Well writing for us is easy you just have to follow the below guidelines.

  1. You create original and unique content in any format.
  2. The article must be professional and have minimal typographical/grammatical mistakes. Minor mistakes will be fixed by our staff. Poorly written articles will be rejected. Please read the line above again.
  3. Your author information cannot promote any questionable material. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Warez, Sexual Content, Racist or Hate Websites, Criminal Activities
  4. The article must be at least 650 words.
  5. The article must relate to one of the following topics: Web, Blogging, Android apps review, Smartphone and electronic gadget news and review, Tips and hacks in world and life style.
  6. Unless your article is  high quality and you simply want to share your knowledge with no strings attached then we would be happy to hear from you. If you’re simply looking to linking back to a specific website that more than likely isn’t related to our niche, please don’t email us.

Why should write for Technosnoop.com

Benefits that you will get:

  • You will be featured for our entire pages and site.
  • You receive  about the author profile (You can promote your portfolio, website, along a short bio.)
  • You will be renowned and will get publicity.
  • For giveaway products and tools you will be considered on priority.

What we required from you:

  • Full Name : depending what you prefer to be know as.
  • Web site URL: you don’t have to have a website, you can link to your twitter or any other social media account.
  • Bio: a short piece of text describing who you are and what you do.
  • Gravatar: if you don’t have a gravatar you should sign up, its a free service that will benefit any posts or comments you make on any blog, and show a small picture of yourself so people can easily identify you.

Contact us here